Varnish is a content caching platform, which is occasionally called an HTTP reverse proxy. It is a web accelerator that can increase the speed of a website by up to 1000%, based on the content itself. Anytime a visitor accesses any page on a site that uses Varnish, the platform caches the page and delivers it instead of the web server when the visitor loads it again. In this way, the web browser request from the visitor is not handled by the web server and the page will load tremendously faster, since the Varnish platform can deliver information many times faster than any web server software. The result will be a substantially faster loading site, which leads to a greatly improved visitor experience. When any of the cached pages is updated on the live site, the info that Varnish caches in its system memory is updated as well, so the visitors will never end up seeing outdated information.

Varnish in Cloud Website Hosting

We offer Varnish as an optional upgrade with each and every cloud website hosting and if you want to use it, you can add it to your hosting account via the Upgrades section in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. There’re two separate things that can be upgraded – the number of instances and the system memory. The first one depends on the number of the Internet sites that you’d like to employ Varnish for and the second one, which is available in increments of 32 MB, indicates the maximum amount of data that the platform can cache at any given moment. Hepsia’s intuitive GUI will allow you to remove or to restart any instance, to check comprehensive system logs or to delete the platform’s cache with just one click. For best results, you can employ a dedicated IP for the Internet sites that will use the platform. With Varnish, your Internet site will open substantially faster, which means more happy users and potential clients.

Varnish in Semi-dedicated Servers

The semi-dedicated servers that we are offering will permit you to use Varnish as soon as your new semi-dedicated account has been set up, since the content caching platform is available by default. 64 megabytes of system memory will be allocated to Varnish the moment your account is enabled, so you can make use of this workload distribution software as soon as your website has been taken online. If you need more memory, you can get 32 MB at a time from the Hepsia Control Panel’s Upgrades section and it will be allocated to your semi-dedicated machine momentarily. You can also increase the number of the websites that use Varnish, or the so-called ‘instances’, which are not bound directly to the amount of memory that you use, which goes to say that you will have more versatility. The Varnish caching platform will noticeably lower the load on the server caused by your websites, so your website visitors can enjoy fast-loading web pages. You will be able to manage the Varnish platform without any effort via your Control Panel using fast-access buttons. You’ll be able to start/stop any of the instances that you have, to delete the cached files for any of your sites or to see system log files.

Varnish in VPS Servers

The Varnish caching platform comes by default with each of the VPS servers that we’re offering given that the machine is ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel, so you can boost the performance of your websites with just a couple of clicks. The more powerful the package, the more system memory Varnish will have at its disposal, but even with a lower-end plan, the platform will be able to utilize several hundred MB, so even if you manage a handful of websites, you will notice a substantial decrease in the server load and a substantially better web page load speed. The Varnish caching platform will have to work for a while while the users navigate the web pages and as soon as the website content has been cached, you will observe the results. One of the pros of using Varnish is that a less powerful and less high-priced Virtual Private Server package will do the same job as a more high-priced one without the caching platform, so not only will your Internet sites work substantially better, but you’ll also spare some cash.

Varnish in Dedicated Servers

You can employ Varnish to improve the speed of any website that’s hosted on a dedicated server from us if the Hepsia Control Panel is installed on it. Not only will you get the platform ready to be used at no extra charge, but you’ll also exert total control over it through Hepsia’s easy-to-use interface. It’ll take only one mouse click to start or cancel an instance or to delete the cache for any website that’s using the Varnish platform and if you’re more competent, you can also check the platform’s system logs. Varnish comes with at least three gigabytes of system memory for web content caching purposes, so even in case you run a lot of Internet sites on your dedicated server and they all use the platform, the improvement in their overall performance will be evident. You’ll only need to wait for a while till Varnish caches whatever pages the website visitors load on their end. The platform works best if the websites use a dedicated IP, but since our dedicated servers come with 3 charge-free IP addresses, you’ll have all that you need.